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K-Herald, February 21, 2014


There are many valuable stories that have yet to be told in America about the historical events of various cultures, especially in Hollywood. However,one short film reflects back to the history of a dark period back in World War II. Director Youngmin Kim, a graduate student at the University of Southern California (USC) of Cinematic Arts, chose to tell a story with his student thesis project film “Room 731“, that resurfaces the history of the Japanese torture camp of World War II – the infamous Unit 731.

Although the film’s setting reflects back to this period in time, the film is based on the character Wei, a fifteen year old Chinese girl, who wakes up in a barred room with no recollection of where she is. Korean actress Kim Yoo Jung (“Dong Yi”, “The Moon Embracing the Sun”) plays the main role as Wei. Many other talented individuals such as Korean-American actor Tim Kang (“The Mentalist”) who plays the role as Dr. Ken, Production Designer Eddie Yang (“Man of Steel”, “Robocop 2014”), Art Director and Special Effects Supervisor Diana Choi (“The Dark Knight Rises”, “The Amazing Spider-Man”), Costume Designer Vanessa Lee (“Thor”,“The Hunger Games”) and many more all formulate together as to what makes an ideal cast and crew. Early in February, K-Herald met with the two stars of “Room 731Kim Yoo Jung, Tim Kang, and Director Youngmin Kim to talk more about the film.

Soompi, February 7, 2014


Actress Kim Yoo Jung was cast in the American short film “Room 731” and will be working alongside famous American actors and industry professionals. “Room 731” is a supernatural horror mystery film set against the background of World War II in the Japanese human/biological experimentation camp in Manchuria called Unit 731.

The film stars Tim Kang from the American CBS drama series “The Mentalist,” who also is an executive producer for the film. Also on the team are special effects makeup artist Diana Choi, who previously worked on “The Dark Knight,” production designer Eddie Yang, who is the co-founder of Alliance Studio, costume designer Vanessa Lee, who worked on “The Hunger Games,” editor Jimmy Gadd, from “The Mentalist,” and director Young Min Kim, an award-winning graduate student at the University of Southern California. Kim Yoo Jung plays Wei, a 15-year-old Chinese girl who was a victim of Unit 731. Upon waking up, she finds herself in an abandoned jail, with no memory of who she is or where she is. “Room 731” is currently in the final stages of filming, and the premiere is tentatively set for July of this year. In other news, the film “Elegant Lies,” in which Kim Yoo Jung plays her first antagonist role, will be released in March.

February 7, 2014


Korean female artist Jin Youzhen (Yoo Jung Kim) will star in the American Short Film "ROOM 731". Set in World War II, the film exposes the evil committed by the Japanese Imperial Army Unit 731, and will be released in the U.S. in July of this year. "ROOM 731" stars the Korean-American actor Tim Kang (CBS drama "The Mentalist") who also serves as executive producer. Diana Choi, Eddie Yang and other Hollywood industry professionals will also join the film. 金有贞"ROOM 731" will be released in the U.S. in July this year, and before that, Jin Youzhen starred in "Elegant Lies" in March this year, first released in South Korea.

K-pop Republic, January 8, 2014


A group of Korean-Americans in film are coming together to make a film about Unit 731, a biological and chemical warfare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army which committed lethal human experiments during World War II. The 15 minute horror film titled Room 731, which was made as a graduation piece by filmmaker Kim Young-min who is currently in the MFA program at the University of Southern California, U.S.A., is a terrifying account of the young girl Wei who, while imprisoned at a Japanese concentration camp, witnessed the spirit of a prisoner who was tortured to death. Korean-American actor Tim Kang, who stars in the American TV drama The Mentalist, took on the roles of actor and producer for the film. Other talents who offered their skills include Diana Choi, a special makeup effects professional on films such as The Dark Knight (2008) and Avatar (2009), special effects artist Eddie Yang, and costume designer Vanessa Lee. UNIT 731 is expected to be released in the U.S. in July.

Korea Daily, Febryary 7, 2014


Actress Kim Yoo-jung, of the MBC drama “The Moon Embracing the Sun,” is acting in a short film in the United States, her agency, Sidus HQ, said yesterday. In the horror movie “Room 731,” she plays a teenage girl named Wei who was put in a concentration camp by the Japanese Army during World War II. The movie focuses on unit 731, which was established so that the Japanese could perform medical experiments on humans. Actor Tim Kang of the American TV drama “The Mentalist” helped produce the film, along with other producers from big-name films such as “The Dark Knight” and “Avatar.” The movie is expected to open in the United States in July. Meanwhile, Kim is appearing in the film “Elegant Lies,” which will open in Korea next month. Actress Go Ah-sung of the movie “Snowpiercer” stars as Kim’s friend. The movie is about how Go and Kim try to find a secret hidden by a dead 14-year-old girl named Cheon-ji, played by actress Kim Hyang-gi of the MBC drama “The Queen’s Classroom.” Cheon-ji’s mother will be played by actress Kim Hee-ae of the tvN entertainment show “Sisters Over Flowers."

헤럴드경제, March 3, 2014

한 영화학도의 졸업작품으로 만들어지는 단편영화가 예사롭지가 않다. USC 대학원생인 김영민 감독(37)이 만들고 있는 영화 ‘룸731 (Room731)’ 이야기다. 공포영화 장르를 빌어 일본이 자행한 전쟁범죄를 고발하고 싶다는 할리우드 키드의 당찬 꿈에 할리우드에서 활동중인 한인스텝들이 모두 뭉쳤다. ‘혹성탈출’ ‘엑스맨’ ‘아이언맨3′ 의 특수분장사 다이아나 최씨를 비롯해 ‘슈퍼맨’ ‘아이언맨’ ‘지아이 조’의 특수의상 디자이너 바네사 리, 세트 디자이너 영 리, 특수효과 피터 장씨다. 필드에서 최고로 꼽히는 실력자들이다.
캐스팅은 더욱 환상적이다. CBS 인기 드라마 ‘멘탈리스트’에서 묵뚝뚝한 형사 ‘킴벌 조’역의 한국계 배우 팀 강과 드라마 ‘해를 품을 달’로 유명한 한국의 아역배우 김유정이 주연을 맡았다. 이들 모두가 노 개런티, 즉 재능기부로 영화에 참여했다. 할리우드과 한국의 쟁쟁한 스텝과 배우들이 ‘룸731′에서 만난 이유는 뭘까.촬영이 한창이던 지난 4일 LA 한인타운에 위치한 카페베네에서 김영민 감독과 배우 팀 강, 그리고 김유정을 만났다.

K-Herald, October 25, 2013


Director Youngmin Kim, graduate student at University of Southern California of Cinematic Arts, has proposed a thesis film project, titled Room 731, that resurfaces the horrible past of the infamous Unit 731, the Japanese torture camp of World War II. Unit 731 was based in the Pingfang district of Harbin, the largest city in the Japanese puppet state of Manchuko (now known as Northeast China). It was a cover biological and chemical warefare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army that undertook lethal human experiments and responsible for some of the most notorious war crimes carried out by Japanese personnel.

헤럴드경제, December 29, 2013

새내기 영화감독의 당찬 제안이 신선하다. USC 영화 대학원(USC School of Cinematic Arts, MFA Film Production)에서 졸업작품을 준비중인 김영민씨는 최근 SNS을 통해 자신의 영화 ‘룸넘버731’의 제작비 공개펀팅에 나섰다. 1년여에 걸친 시나리오 작업, 4개월 간의 제작준비 기간을 거친 ‘룸넘버731’은 세계 2차대전 당시 만주에 존재했던 일본의 731부대를 소재로 한 호러.미스테리 장르로 오는 12월 크랭크 인 예정이다.

“731부대는 일본이 저지른 극악한 전쟁범죄임에도 불구하고 한국과 중국을 제외하고는 알려지지 않았다. 나찌와 홀로코스트는 지난 60년 동안 영화와 다큐멘터리로 제작되며 지탄을 받으면서 왜 731부대는 언급조차 되지 않는 것일까? 이 물음을 가지고 리서치를 하고 시나리오를 썼다. 731이 담고 있는 역사적 사실과 충격적 범죄는 전세계적으로 담론화 되어야 한다고 생각한다”

연합, January 6, 2014

다크나이트 등 스태프 참여…5월 칸 출품·7월 미국 개봉 목표

(서울=연합뉴스) 정빛나 기자 = 세계 2차 대전 당시 악명 높았던 일제의 생체실험 만행을 소재로 할리우드 유명 배우와 제작진이 재능기부 형식으로 참여한 공포영화가 제작된다.

제작을 총괄하는 주인공은 할리우드 영화감독을 꿈꾸는 김영민(38)씨다.

서강대 신문방송학과를 졸업한 지 5년 만인 2008년 미국 서던캘리포니아대(USC) 영화대학원 석사과정에 입학한 그는 올해 학위 취득을 앞두고 있다.

적지 않은 나이에 꿈을 향해 나선 그가 졸업작품으로 선택한 소재는 생체실험으로 악명을 떨친 일본 관동군 731부대다.

731부대는 1932~1945년 만주 하얼빈 일대에 주둔하면서 중국과 한국, 러시아인 등 전쟁포로를 대상으로 해부 등 각종 생체실험을 저지른 세균전 부대다.

중앙일보, December 30, 2013

“일본에서 반대하겠죠. 그래도 731부대 소재 영화 꼭 만들 겁니다.”

미국 CBS 방송 드라마 ‘멘탈리스트’(The Mentalist)에 출연 중인 한인 배우 팀 강(40·Tim Kang)은 담담한 표정으로 말했다. 그는 2008년 방영을 시작한 경찰드라마 멘탈리스트에서 시즌 6에 이르는 현재까지 5년 넘게 주연급 조연 역할을 맡고 있다. 극중 한국계 형사인 부팀장 ‘킴벌조’ 역으로 미국은 물론 유럽과 한국에서도 많은 팬을 확보하고 있다.

멘탈리스트 출연 외에 그가 정성을 쏟는 일은 마루타 실험으로 악명 높은 일본 731부대 이야기를 담은 영화 ‘룸 731(Room 731)’의 제작이다. 그는 “당시 일본군이 했던 일이 나치 독일과 같지만 미국 등지에선 잘 알려져 있지 않다”고 제작 이유를 밝혔다. 4년 만에 내한한 그를 지난 23일 서울 서소문로 중앙일보사에서 만났다.

Korean Media News

Opening the Doors to Room 731

나치 뺨친 일제 731부대 … 영화로 세계에 고발

할리우드와 '731부대' 영화 만드는 영화학도

‘룸넘버731′ 김영민감독

단편영화 ‘룸731′의 기적

Horror role for Kim Yoo-jung

Korean-American Film Talents Team Up for Production about ‘Unit 731’

Korean female artist Jin Youzhen will star in American Short Film "ROOM 731"

Kim Yoo Jung to Star in the Hollywood Horror Mystery Film “Room 731″

By mixing The Grudge and Saw, young director makes a statement about Unit 731

LOS ANGELES! The judges have spoken and Room 731 will be making its debut as an Official Selection at the 2015 Asians On Film Festival! AOF Festival will take place March 27th-29th in Los Angeles at the Japanese American National Museum in Little Tokyo. We will provide more information on how to obtain tickets/reserve seats and precise screening times at a later date.

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